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rain down on me.
Tag politely when you reach here.
shut up and CLICK HERE! if you dont like what you see.

Love me, and i'll love you back.
Hate me, and i'll just kill ignore you.




pretty 19
quotes; some people care too much, I think it's called love [winnie the pooh]
The worst thing a guy can do is make a girl fall for him with no intention of catching her.
If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening, be patient. It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear.[pooh]

ILY, ♥
ILY, ♥
iloveyouallforever derh lah. dont care we shout here shout there nag here nag there we still love each other derh(:

ILY, ♥
the girls. jing(: 小孩子!wahaha ! 姐妹宝贝. always there to listen and talk when i'm bored or upset. can talk on the phone for 1 hour plus but thought only talk for half an hour xD

ILY, ♥
a special fish that goes MEHMEH. very fun to be with :D a very close friend. will always suddenly come 安慰我 when i'm sad, and the amazing thing is no one notices except her o.o the only one who bothers to read my blog hahas. mature yet childish at the same time(: EXO ftw ! :D

the girls. this girl being funnier over the years. what has kpop done to you ?! hahaha ! her trademark is the fake malaysian and china accent :P a sone !

the girls. though i dont keep in constant contact with her but we still keep in close contact ! i'm glad you've found the path (regarding work/religion) you want to take !

the kor who's younger than me, whattt. hahah. i'm glad to have known him. super nice guy. it's like he cant do anything evil things at all HAHA.

theTAG. junhannn. he's a sensitive person [in a good way]. that time i was feeling damn awkward, he was the only one who noticed and cheered me up(: with the indian accent of my name. but now he's spreading it to all the guys -.- one of the special friends i have

theTAG. mooooose :D a funny guy. really nice friend ! he has changed to be more..idk. he'll initiate gatherings, which is something he wouldnt have done in the past and i'm happy that he changed this part ! :D

theTAG. i'm his teacher for relationship stuff, my patient actually, i'm a love doctor mah ! hahas. but he's my teacher for cycling ._. he and moose with sreeraam all those hor, can make you laugh until..idk. like cant eat lols

i wish, i wish~


good results all the way in uni
happiness freedom love peace friends family money health goodlooks nicehair dreamjob
celebrate actual birthday with family every year, and one day before with special people in my life
current wants

[] be a singer or just get in 演艺圈 first.
[] learn korean properly then jap/thai
[] go taiwan again
[] go south korea
already fulfilled

[x] new wallet
[x] handphone strap with my name
[x] Birthday Party 2006
[x] Sony Ericsson's W910i
[x] shoulder bag? the bag tt looks like handbag..lol
[x] Handphone Pouch
[x] new bag
[x] rebonding of hair, especially fringe. cut hairstyle with fringe in front after that.
[x] to celebrate my birthday with my friends on 17th June, a day before my birthday(:
[x] good results for EOY, then going the class i want
[x] tube dress
[x] soft-spiked rubber ball which lights when hit and have the fingerhole strap :D
[x] get into good JCs/POLYs
[x] 那些年,我们追过的女孩;book :D !
[x] go bangkok again
[x] go hk and china
[-] PSLE results to be flying with colours
[-] good ct results

loves and hates

♥ singing&dancing
♥ music&songs
♥ truefriends&family
LUCKY aka my ahma's dog; RIP lucky ):
♥ black&white
♥ soft rainbow [sky] ♥ hu ge&ariel lin
♥ jaychou&derrickhoh
♥ bubzbeauty
♥ wuxia shows with hu ge

✖ being wrongly accused
✖ being ignored
✖ bad people [which includes backstabber,hypocrites..etc]
✖ fake friends
✖ pests
✖ people who critises others like SHIT without a reason
✖ losing out to others who were supposingly lousier than me T.T [please dont say i'm competitive like you are not, thanks]


break the silence


My Turn To Cry♥


첫 눈♥


Baby Don't Cry♥

Baby Don't Cry♥

Peter Pan♥










long gone


please do not remove credits, thankyousomuchie
orangeeeeyy Missyan

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Idk why I'm still so concerned about what you do to me. Why am I so curious about what you wrote on my calf ? Maybe it wasn't even anything. Why am I so curious about our skinship ? About when you pulled me to you on the bed.. About when you held my hand..

I'm attached. I'm not suppose to think of this. Not suppose to think of you.

rained @ 6:22 PM

Friday, April 24, 2015

Sometimes I don't know what I'm thinking. Dk what I'm feeling. Am I doing the right thing ?

总觉得不够爱他。觉得。。不可能像爱 ta 一样爱他。虽然已经不再爱 ta 了,or so I should feel so, 但就是不一样。。

I feel so bad. This is not right. Just hope you'll come back soon to make it feel right again.

rained @ 11:34 AM

Monday, March 23, 2015

Two days ago, yy was told me "i think you're very strong also. Like despite all the responsibilities amd pressure you're still doing your thing. If I were you I might just whine like shit HAHA" 
I told her, i guess i'm kinda used to it. been doing this since primary school.

And then i think about it, am i really strong as she have said ? I guess it's true that you dont see your strengths as often as you see your flaws. But idk. Maybe I am strong. Maybe going through tough times did help me get stronger.

Probably talk about this some other time. having a headache now. dk if it's cus of the combination of medicine or what. but i have a summary and term paper waiting for me to complete them gahhh. rest a while then start le bah jyjy it's already 2:40pm omg.

rained @ 2:41 PM

Monday, March 02, 2015

Needed to let it out somewhere so yea of course here's the best.

So.. today the Mr Chu team performed at the apink MV dance competition and *drumrollsssssss*


anyway gerri's friend was saying that the crowd's response wasnt good when we won.

even though i know logically why (will mention below), i cant help but to feel a little sad ):
1) the groups knew each other so obviously they'll want either of them to win but nehnehnibubu we got the first place instead.
2) same for the crowd ^
3) no one from KDT came cus we didnt invite cus it's recess week and we have mid terms tomorrow (yet we still came for this competition. yea crazy i know) if KDT people came obviously we'll totally own the audience and get loud cheers.
4) this is a MV dance competition. MV is the most important judging criteria. it's obvious that our video's the best (thanks to our super good videographer zhikai) PLUS we totally owned the FB likes and shares. so it's likely that we will win (we werent confident at all at first because we dk how the weightage was like. but apparently MV weighs more and it makes sense because it's a MV dance competition NOT a DANCE competition. too bad for the rest who gave a half-pigu video because you all didnt even bother. i think we won it fair and square.)
5) I think we deserved to win because we freaking neglected our studies for this AND we were the ONLY group that submitted before the first dateline.

So yea actually there are many logical reasoning to why we won and i know we deserved the first prize. but yea idk why i just feel abit weird. maybe because shaun showed me a ss of one of the groups' members who posted that they werent the first but they are the first in the audiences' hearts. oh well.

then again that's cus most of the audience are 你们的人 so obviously in their hearts you first lah.

yea reasoning that kinda helped me feel better again yay !


you all not happy next time just take part in dance competition not MV dance competition lah. just like we know we not that 强 so we probably wont take part in a dance competition. it's call 有自知之明。你们这些小妹妹,这点还要跟姐姐们多多学习啊。

feeling much better now i can sleep in peace hahaha. studying oh no.

rained @ 1:06 AM

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Sometimes I feel..idk if i love you enough. or if i even love you for that matters.

他给我的感觉和你给的真的很不一样。 그 설렌 마음/느낌 좀 없는 것 같아..

I feel safe with you. Confident that you love me. Confident that you wouldnt leave me. But with him, it's really the..心跳加速 when he put his arms around my shoulder to avoid the bicycle.

I know he's not for me. He wouldnt ever fall for me and it'll be torturous for me to stay by his side because i'm never treated as his type before. All the pain I've felt in those years, I KNOW it hurts.

And that you're the one who've been beside me, showering me with concern, love and gifts. you're such a perfect boyfriend to me, I cant ask for more.

But why am I feeling this way ? Why do I get annoyed when you become overly sensitive, insecure and overly attached ? I thought I'm supposed to be happy that you're so afraid to lose me. Am I wrong ? Or is it normal to be annoyed at these ?

I need you to be back beside me, physically. To shove the fact in my face that you're the one I need. I need to treasure you and not take your love for granted.

This is so bad.

I am so bad.

rained @ 12:56 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

我就是那么 antisocial. It's just so weird to see someone faking their attitude just so you can continue being friends with someone. It's so obvious omg.

why am i so antisocial.

the world is just like that. everyone wears a mask everyday. i should accept this fact right ?

i feel so alone. because no one to antisocial with me hahaha. everyone so sociable. oh man fish what do i do without youuuuu.

rained @ 2:36 PM

Monday, February 16, 2015

Maybe it was reading yy's blog that reminded me that hey I have a blog too.

Been too busy (and still am) to blog regularly. But I guess I should start to find pockets of time to do it.

Taking up a leadership role is really.. taxing. When all you think of is wanting the team to grow as a whole, to work towards giving a better performance, but the members are just like "hold on. i just wanna have fun and do what i want". I want to have fun too, but dont you think having fun WHILE giving an awesome performance is more enjoyable ? In order to present a better performance, we have to endure the pain and tough trainings first. it's true that 付出不一定会有相等的回报。 但是不付出,不尝试,又怎么可能会有回报? If you want the end result to be good, you have to endure it and stop finding excuses/reasons that we can work around. dont like him ? we can find another one ! seriously that's not even an issue. if your end goal is not to present the best performance, then i'm sorry i guess we're not on the same page.

learnt my lesson after tb with regards to who I can work with. i must not make the same mistake again so that I dont have to suffer the same damn thing again.

had enough of this problem and am just gonna forget it and move on. i've wasted too much time on this.

baby's in UK nowwwww. miss him ): and thankful for him. thanks for being by my side (virtually) when i was tearing and needed someone to rant to. if only you were here physically..

CNY's in like 3-4 days ? and i only have one new top lols. gg~

work's piling up and i'm like slowly being buried ): time to buck up pearl. you already ruined a chance for yourself. you can, should, must only look forward and work even harder. harder harder !!

time to start clearing my to do list !

rained @ 12:07 PM